The world of education is dynamic. It embraces fresh and challenging ideas on methods and means to facilitate and guide students on their journey within the world of knowledge. A group of scholars and professionals in Australia gathered a few years back, and decided to support the world of education, which was then marked by the birth of Uni-bridge Consortium Australia in 2008. The website would provide you with a deeper understanding on what we do, all in favor to the development of humanity and accordingly to the world of education.

Uni-bridge (Pathway to 2nd year Bachelor of Business/Commerce Program)

  • Mengenal Minat Bakat & Perilaku Anak: Strategi untuk Menentukan Jurusan Studi Lanjut
  • Strategi Memilih Universitas di Luar Negeri untuk Studi Lanjut

Saturday, 11 July 2020
10.00 AM – 12.30 PM


  1. Sapta Dwikardana, PhD –Behavioral Analyst & Principal Advisor ALESI Indonesia
  2. Sugie J. Hambali, Drs., M.Com (Hons) –Chief Executive Officer Uni-bridge Indonesia
  3. Pertiwi Megasari, S.AP., MH – Manager Business Development & Program BJB Precious
  4. Bpk. Hieronymus Sunarto – Kepala Bidang Pendidikan Yayasan Panca Dharma

Nancy Sudarmo, BCom
Group Manager ~ Business Administration
Uni-bridge Indonesia


Thank you,
Tim Uni-bridge

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