The world of education is dynamic. It embraces fresh and challenging ideas on methods and means to facilitate and guide students on their journey within the world of knowledge. A group of scholars and professionals in Australia gathered a few years back, and decided to support the world of education, which was then marked by the birth of Uni-bridge Consortium Australia in 2008. The website would provide you with a deeper understanding on what we do, all in favor to the development of humanity and accordingly to the world of education.

We’re here to support the world of education

The programs is to offer opportunities for students who have plans and/or interests in continuing their study overseas, to start their first stage of learning in Indonesia, rather than directly to the selected country of destination.

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Our Programs


It is still undeniable, that the use of English plays an important role, not only within the education world, but in many significant aspects, in the field of education and employment. To date, students and employees are...

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UNI-BRIDGE (Pathway to 2nd year Bachelor of Business/Commerce Program) MODEL 1

Uni-bridge (Pathway to 2nd year Bachelor of Business/Commerce Program) prepares students to study those subjects, normally studied on the First Year (Semester 1) of Undergraduate Program, particularly in Business field. Upon completion of the prog...

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UNI-BRIDGE (Pathway to 2nd year Bachelor of Business/Commerce Program) MODEL 2

MODEL 2 of the Uni-bridge Program (Pathway to 2nd year Bachelor of Business/Commerce Program) allows students  who have completed the Secondary Level of study, to do 8 (eight) subjects in Indonesia. These subjects are no...

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Uni-bridge Preparation Progam is a pre-university program for students who are planning to continue their study of Undergraduate Degree overseas only. A Preparation Progam, however, is normally offered to students who have completed their Sen...

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This program offers a one-year course in Indonesia and one year in Australia for Bachelor Business. The one-year experience at STMIK LIKMI – Bandung was great. The experience of studying in Melbourne, Australia was also very impressive, because I can get to know new cultures, make new friends and learn new things.

Muhamad Ihsan H.
Siswa dari program Uni-bridge Pathway Program Bandung 2014

The Uni-bridge program does not only make our children more focus on the lessons and majors that they will choose during their college time. The program also makes them much more mature, independent, discipline & able to manage time and finances more wisely.

Mr. Tanu Kartawiria & Mrs. Rafi Mamangdean
Orang tua dari Brian Ezra & Tristan Adriel (Uni-bridge Preparation Program Bandung 2012 & 2014)

Learning English with Uni-bridge was very fun. It was one of my favorite subjects every year. I had learned so many lessons, such as grammar, verbs, adjectives, writing, listening, and speaking. I also learned to be more disciplined. It’s always fun to learn English, and sometimes we got to play games with our classmates and the teacher as well. Thank you teachers, for teaching us.

Amanda Sjahli
St. Aloysius (Kampus Sultan Agung)

Uni-bridge has been amazing in assisting our child academically, so that he could study abroad and graduate from a university in Australia. Uni-bridge Program helps our son to be focus and independent in such a way that Toto managed to continue his study overseas and graduated from Monash University with excellent result.

Mr. Hadi Purnomo Djayasaputra & Mrs. Dharmawati Liman (Sisil)
Orang tua dari Christophorus Raymond Djayasaputra (Uni-bridge Preparation Program Bandung 2011)

The Uni-bridge Preparation is honestly great. In my opinion it’s one of the best selections for school. Teachers are fun, the place isn’t loud. Although some teachers may be loud, they are interesting people to talk to. No regrets, apply your child in it now and I’m positive they won’t get bullied. It's faster than most programs, so that they can start life earlier. So yeah, the school is what I woud call efficient. Not too much stress, fluffy companions everywhere if you make effort to befriend them, fun teachers to talk with, and a relatively quick school life for the child. I don’t think there is a more effective program than this one.

Kent Mulyadi
Siswa dari Uni-bridge Preparation Program Bandung 2019

Uni-bridge Preparation is a great program that allows me to study my desired course, which is science, and ELACS (English Language and Australian Cultural Studies). The teachers are great, and they’re very supportive to the students. This past year studying at St. Aloysius Uni-bridge Preparation Program has been an excellent experience. Through this program, I’ve become more prepared and more confident to attend university in Australia.

Diandra Elizabeth
Siswi Uni-bridge Preparation Program Bandung 2019

